Demo Applications

Dark Mode

Camera-Document-Capture (this link opens in a new window) by JamesSwinton (this link opens in a new window)

Android application to capture documents using the device camera. Application includes automatic boundary detection, intelligent cropping, trapezoid distortion correction as well as post capture image enhancement (Filters, brightness, contrast etc…)

Dark Mode

TC2xDropDetectDemo (this link opens in a new window) by JamesSwinton (this link opens in a new window)

This app is designed to demonstrate the Fall Detection capabilities of Zebras TC2x Mobile Device range. Once launched, the app will create a long-running foreground service which will detect any broadcasts from Zebras Fall Detection Service and log these events to a CSV file, along with a timestamp and the current device location, if available. The CSV file is located at /sdcard/Download/device-drop-log.csv.