Developer Advocate

Droidcon Berlin 2019 – Readers Digest

Last week James Swinton-Bland, Darryn Campbell & Alex Fryer had the privilege to once again represent Zebra as a Sponsor at Droidcon Berlin 2019. The event drew 1,300 attendees over the course of three days and consisted of a range of presentations, panels, and sponsored booths – from talks on UI/UX design to enterprise application …

Hack The Outbreak – My Experience

Introduction On the 15th of May 2020 we held our first ever Online Hackathon! Organized by Bibi Othmani, our Global Developer Relations Manager, the idea for this hackathon was to bring everyone together in a time where we all find ourselves so far apart. The hackathon was coined ‘Hack The Outbreak’ and was a fully-online, people-focused …

Developing Android Apps for the HD4000 | Part 3 – JSON Image Model

Introduction In the previous two parts of this series, we’ve covered the basics: connecting to & configuring the HUD, as well as some of the intermediate usages: displaying text & images and leveraging android layouts to create more complex HUD views. In the final section of this series, we’re going to be covering the JSON …

Developing Android Apps for the HD4000 | Part 2 – Displaying Content

This is part 2 of the blog series – Developing Android Apps for the HD4000 – if you missed part 1, you can check it out here! Introduction There are multiple ways of displaying data on the HUD, depending on what that data is. For example, if we want to display an image, we can …

Developing Android Apps for the HD4000 | Part 1 – Getting Started

​ Introduction This is part 1 of a 3-part series, designed to take you from having no experience with our HD4000 (A.K.A Heads-Up-Display, or HUD for short) to being able to use every feature available in the SDK. Our HD4000 was initially released in November 2019. If you simply want to learn more about the …

Using the HD4000 SDK with Xamarin

​ Introduction As some of you may have seen earlier this year, we released a three-part series on developing applications for the HD4000 on Android (you can find that here). Well, following that, we can now officially confirm our HD4000 SDK supports the Xamarin development environment too! This blog will walk you through the steps of …

Granting Permission to Access Serial & IMEI Numbers on Mobile Computers Running A10

The sample application referenced in this blog is available here: https://github.com/ZebraDevs/OEMIdentifiers-Java-Sample Introduction In our first article, my colleague Darryn Campbell, describes the process of accessing the Serial & IMEI Numbers on our mobile computers running Android 10. As Darryn explains, your application needs to be explicitly granted permission to access these devices identifiers which can be …